Chadwick R. Brasington, MD
Chadwick R. Brasington, MD has been practicing at Alamance Eye Center since 2002. He received his medical degree in 1998 from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston after graduating summa cum laude in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University in 1994. He completed his residency in ophthalmology and internship at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem.
Dr. Brasington served as President of the North Carolina Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons in 2020 and 2021, and continues to serve on the executive board. He is an author and editor of the Lens and Cataract book of the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Basic and Clinical Science Course series.
Dr. Brasington is also an active member of many professional organizations including the North Carolina Medical Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the American Eye Study Club.
Dr. Brasington is a native of Columbia, SC and is married to Kelly Pippin Brasington. They have two sons, Daniel and Andrew and one daughter, Nina Kate. They are members of First Presbyterian Church of Burlington.
Dr. Brasington practices comprehensive ophthalmology. He is on staff at Alamance Regional Medical Center and performs cataract surgery and glaucoma surgery at Mebane Surgery Center.